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    Great post.

    Unfortunately, Al Quds, even as lead by 'moderate' Sari Nusseibeh is fully on board with the "Palestinian National Narrative." Take, for instance, this page which questions the Jewish links with Jerusalem -- including the Temple Mount. (Also linked in my post here I'm given to understand by knowledgable people that this is not serious scholarship. It's pure politics, but where are the voices of the academics who would hold Al Quds to the same standard we would hold any Western University, or University which aspires to some measure of respect?


    Thanks for this link Solomon.

    That page contains the sort of revisionism that Hitler would have loved, ignoring the wealth of archaeological evidence confirming Jewish life and culture in Israel and in Jerusalem in particular.

    This is racism masked as scholarship and you can be sure that the leaders at AUT and NATFHE know it.

    So why do they go along with it? Well personally, I reckon they've worked out that the existence of a restored State of Israel might just be evidence of the existence of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And we can't have that, can we?

    Psalm 2!


    Solomon, I think you hit the nail on the head when you used the term "national narrative". Al Quds most certainly does "buy into" and "propagate" this national narrative.

    And, as you also rightly point out, this national narrative is largely (perhaps even mostly) fictional.

    However, if this (fictional) national narrative were not being used as a justification for heinous acts would you have any more issue with it (really) than you do with the also (fictional) British, French, German, or Jewish national narratives?

    The issue (it seems to me) is how that narrative is used. That it will be as historially accurate as The Lord of the Rings can (I think) be taken more or less for granted.




    Inna, accepting for a moment the term "narrative" (which I don't like myself -- I seem to have an allergy to the fashionable), why do you call the "national narratives" you list fictional? Do you mean that there is no such thing as a French national identity, or a German national identity? Unless I am misunderstanding you (which I well may be), that seems an extremely unusual, if not unique, reading of history. Of the ones you list, the Palestinian national narrative is by far the youngest (having begun, by some accounts, no earlier than the Twentieth Century), but that still does not make it fictional. As you may have read in my comment over at Engage, I agree with Judea Pearl who writes: "Palestinians have earned nationhood status by virtue of thinking like a nation." I think this recognition ought to stand as a matter of principle. But in addition to the principle (which ought to be sufficient in itself) there is in fact, for supporters of Israel (like myself), a pragmatic reason for recognising it as well: if Jews want their claim to nationhood, and hence their right to a Jewish state, recognised as legitimate, then they cannot deny the same claims and rights to the Palestinians. Fair is fair.

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