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    Steve M

    The current batch of Saudi cartoons are particularly amusing too. The Religious Policeman has some fine examples - - Look for 'Today's Cartoon' and (further down) 'Four cartoons'.


    Steve, I'd expect it of Saudi Arabia. In my context, I'm looking at the fact that there is a sizeable constituency of people who think the Palestinian Authority is a genuine partner for peace. That's how it represents itself...road map and all that, and shaking hands with Ariel Sharon. I think one should have rather low expectations on that front, but propaganda like this being put out manages to limbo dance its way even below those....


    The media looks at it in a different way - Palestinian antisemitism and incitement is somehow ignored, yet when Galloway on Question Time in relation to a point about MEMRI simply repeats the mantra "It's an Israeli website - it's Israeli - it's Israeli - it's Israeli", to the guffaws, cheers and sniggers of the "cross-section" audience, you know you have an "asymmetry problem".

    Herschel Zimonas

    Where has Judy been all this time, to write that 'it is beyond belief that the management of the PA allows stuff like this to be transmitted'?

    Has she seen the translations from Palestinian schoolbooks or heard the sermons in PA controlled mosques? A quick look at the MEMRI site would educate her about the virtues being propagated by Palestinian 'peace-makers'.


    Hershel, if you read the contents of my blog, you will see I very regularly quote from MEMRI and similar sites. If you cannot write comments in a reasonable and constructive tone, and you cannot avoid being aggressive, please avoid commenting here.

    Steve M

    It's very sad. I knew Abbas' politics but I had hoped that he was a pragmatist with strength enough to deliver a pragmatic agenda.

    Eamonn, you're quite right. Allowing the braying of a mob to the racist outbursts of that nasty man is the BBC equivalent of 'The Canaanite'. In its comparative subtlety and most viewers' general assumption of 'BBC neutrality', Question Time also limbos pretty low.

    Jay Paul

    Why does this surprise you? Do you think it even has an effect on the Palestinian population? Watching a film is nothing compared to the humiliation at the hands of the occupying military. There are many honourable Israeli soldiers at checkpoints but there are many many others who treat Palestinians like animals. Worrying about a little film when the reality is worse seems ridiculous to me.

    If you're worried that the IDF will get a "bad image" then worrying about a little film like this is stupid. Stop the racist actions of trigger happy arab haters.

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