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    "and who just happens to get an airing on Al-Jazeera, the most popular Arabic TV station in the world,"

    to be fair, Al-Jazeera was also the first Arabic station to give a platform to the Israelis. Although they might have an agenda, I think they go further than most in giving both sides of the argument. The Arabic version of Fox News, I call them :)

    Martin Morgan

    Bari Atwan is also a BBC World TV Arab affairs commentator of choice. He manages to temper his rhetoric in English, of course, so it's useful to know what he says to his domestic audience. I suspect the BBC uses him out of laziness - he speaks eloquent English and is based in London. But, I'm glad to say, he's sounding more and more like a dinosaur as the pan-Arab media begins to loosen up a bit.

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