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    While we're on about Haaretz here is a little expose' which should prove to be of interest given Peretz's economic adviser's outburst against Thatcher and Walmart:
    "In wake of Haaretz report, Histadrut relocates Peretz farewell bash to `modest' K. Malakhi"

    "The party in Peretz's honor had been slated for a huge rainproof tent that was to be erected on the lawn's of the Histadrut's Va'ad Hapoel building, and had been expected to cost more than NIS 1 million. Over one thousand guests were expected - all Histadrut staffers (for whom it was a required event), the major unions and various invitees from across the country."

    While bringing the demagogic nature of the Trade Union and its ex-President to the attention of its leftist supporters the messenger of the left stops to laud himself on accomplishing results over and above the call to duty.


    This is a heartening comment on the issue by Bild. (wonky translation emailed to me by someone who is self taught in German.) What is the political orientation of Bild, does anyone know?

    "Israel must disappear from the map of the Middle East! The Holocaust is a
    fabrication of the West! The Jews should relocate to Alaska!" In almost all the countries of the world would such stupid proclamations be punishable by law.
    Only the Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadineschad repeats them again and again. Actually, one might only be able to give a tired laugh to such insanity. But the man is powerful and dangerous! As next he wants to grab some atomic weapons. No wonder that the official indignation is so pronounced.
    However, where are the chains of lights and demos of solidarity with Israel on our streets? Why is it that those who otherwise always protest with moral outrage about everything and everyone throughout the country and on the talkshows are not forming protests in front of the Iranian embassy?

    Germany has great historical reason to give a loud protest against the evil
    impertinences coming out of Teheran face on. Without such, all other protests are hypocritical.


    I'm not really an expert in the German Media, but I believe that Bild is the biggest-selling German daily : the (undated) circulation figure I have in front of me is 4.4 million.

    As this would suggest, it is appoximately equivalent to a British tabloid - I've heard it compared to "The Sun". My German isn't if a sufficient fluency for me to comment whether his is a fair comparison - with the implication of trashniness - that this comparison carries or not.

    What is probably of greater relevance is that is is (one of several leading newspapers in Germany) published by Axel Springer AG, who, uniquely as far as I am aware, have a well-known, set of corporate principles which, inter alia "promote reconciliation of Jews and Germans and support the vital rights of the State of Israel" as well as strong support for the USA
    You can see the list of principles here:


    venichka: Thank you for the info.

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