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    Lynne Teperman

    Harry's Place posted an interesting item yesterday -- an interview with Irving's twin brother Nicholas, who does not share his brother's belief. His brother talked about David's early admiration for Nazi salutes (when England was at war), his love of the trappings of wealth and his generally racist superiority complex.

    Also very interesting, a letter written to Canada's Globe & Mail by the Austrian ambassador, Otto Ditz, defending Austria's right to prosectute and convict Irving in in response to the "glass house" argument raised by retired Canadian Broadcasting Corporation journalist, Joe Schlessinger an Austrian Jewish Holocaust survivor. Unfortunately, you have to be a subscriber to access the letter in full.


    I agree, I have no idea why Irving was featured, and don't know what public good it could serve. Why not spend my licence fee sending someone to interview a survivor of Auschwitz? Or the situation in Darfur? Or Galloway's disgusting remarks to Algerian TV?


    Judy, I also heard the interview and I wouldn't have described it as 'respectful'. Sancha Berg's tone throughout was one of incredulity. Likewise, I wouldn't worry about the length of Richard Evan's interview either - he totally blew everthing Irving said out of the water within about twenty seconds of being on air.

    I for one am actually very interested in hearing exact the evidence that Irving - and others like him - use to deny the holocaust. I am also interested in seeing that evidence completely and immediately refuted. I don't see how giving someone a 'platform' on this basis in any way legitimises their views.

    Paul M

    So David Irving is sitting in an Austrian prison, denying the Holocaust to the BBC? I wonder how long before the Austrians decide to try him again: they have a law against that kind of thing.

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