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    Don Radlauer

    I'm very skeptical about Debka's "record of scoops on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Middle East conflicts". It's easy to accumulate such a "record" if you're willing to print any rumor that comes your way: some of the rumors are bound to be correct, and you can take credit for a "scoop" because you didn't take the time that more responsible media outlets take to verify your facts and sources.

    Debka has gotten some stories right; but they've also gotten a lot of stories egregiously wrong, and they never (at least to my knowledge) publish retractions when their stories turn out to be untrue.

    I just followed your link to read what Debka had to say about Sa'adat and Barghouti - and I couldn't find any mention of them in the article about the impending Palestinian cabinet. Needless to say, I didn't find any statement regarding a previous, incorrect version of the story!

    In short: I would suggest reading Debka only as an indicator of interesting possibilities, not as a genuine news outlet. More often than not, their predictions turn out to be wildly false.

    Addendum: Debka also has the rather disreputable habit of repackaging material from open (or semi-open) sources such as Janes as if they came from "our correspondents" - implying that Debka has all kinds of highly-placed sources and analysts that in fact consist of subscriptions to other publications. These "correspondents" plus a few people who use Debka to publicize rumors and speculations that nobody else would touch constitute most of Debka's "reporting staff".

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