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    Steve M

    Even worse, Judy, a poll shows that 48.9% of Egyptians believe that Israel was behind the bombings.

    Mirror? What Mirror?


    So "Israeli tourists don't go to Eilat (a southern Israeli resort) anymore"?

    Last time I was in Eilat (last Shavuot holiday), it was so packed with Israelis on holiday, you couldn't MOVE!

    And I'm going there next week with work for three days, so I will be able to tell you if anything has changed.

    If anything, it's Sinai that is losing popularity. Eilat may not be nearly as lovely or as cheap or as trendy, but these days you're less likely to come back in a bag.


    True, Israel muddles along and b'siyatah dimhyasah its enemies do not achieve their aims.Last September, there was allegation after allegation re its president. What was the outcome? It appears to amount to nothing. I think we should now say at least the president is a decent Jew and runs his office with dignity.

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