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    Good for your daughter - it really is hard work. We have a small group that bakes matzos every year, and we'll be doing it this week - with another small batch on Passover eve itself.

    It's a real challenge to get them thin - the dough is sticky and the time constraints are fierce. Only about 20-30 families participate in our group, and the flour is expensive, so we don't want to throw any out because we went over the time limit. I usually manage to produce at least 2 matzos per batch - but I certainly didn't achieve that the first year or two.

    We don't sand the rolling pins - instead we invested in metal tubes which can just be scrubbed down when we wash our hands.

    And the one time I did the kneading-with-the-steel-bar thing, I almost put my back out. So your daughter did very well indeed.

    We also are forced to make smallish matzos because we are using portable ovens, rather than large built-in-place brick ovens.

    But it's a great experience - all the kids get involved, and there is nothing like pointing to (and eating) matzoh you made yourself as you read the Haggadah.

    Happy Pesach!

    The Daughter

    The smashing-with-a-steel-bar style kneading needed so much effort that I ended having to jump up and down to get all 4'11" of me behind it! The kneading felt much more pressured though, because I was the first in the production line, as it were, and so the rest of them were relying on me to work fast.

    My boyfriend also did matzah baking the same day (but not at the same place - we did ours in Bet Shemesh)and was also kneader. Talking to him about it a few days later, he suddenly stopped and looked at my arm with concern.

    "What's that from?"

    I looked at a slightly greenish bruise just beyond my wrist, then laughed and said,

    "Look, there's a matching one on the other side!"

    When I'd started kneading, one of the other girls had had to hold down the bowl with both hands to keep it still - the bowl was still relatively shallow though, and in the mad rush to get it all kneaded in time, I'd continually bashed my arms on the side of the bowl just at rim-height!


    When you don't speak Portuguese and are in Brazil speaking to a woman who is a survivor of Hungarian Jewry you tend to find the lingua franca is her Yiddish and your German...............surprisingly the conversation flowed.............


    You're not the only one to have wondered about that Yiddish phrase book. The excellent writer Michael Chabon has written an affecting essay inspired by it. See:

    (You'll probably need to rejoin the two parts of that URL in your browser to make it work properly.)

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