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    Congratulations, Judy, to you and your daughter! I hope it all works out really well. :)


    Mazal Tov! What great news!

    May they be zoche to build a 'bayit ne'eman b'yisrael'.

    Paul M

    Mazal Tov to the whole lot of you!


    Mazal tov, Mazal Tov, MAZAL TOV, Judy. Wishing a lifetime of Yiddishe nachas to you, your daughter and her chassan, and your machetonim.



    Congratulations Judy! What wonderful news. Hope you'll not be too busy to keep posting, but I'll not hold my breath .....


    Mazal tov Judy!

    That's wonderful.

    May they and you have every blessing.




    Fantastic news! I'm so glad things worked out. Mazal tov! Where will the wedding be held?


    Mazel Tov and best wishes to the happy couple!

    Aston Kwok

    Mazel tov, Judy.

    Aston Kwok (Sydney, Australia)

    Jonathan Hoffman

    Mazal tov Judy - great news! PG by us ...


    Is the issue animal rneent? I think there's a halachic debate about whether it is permissible to use animal rneent in making soft cheeses. suggests that it is okay, but I believe some versions of kosher mozzarella are made with vegetable rneent instead (because some people adopt a stricter stance toward animal rneent). And animal rneent is what makes mozzarella melt in the wonderful way it does.

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