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    The story was not a "hoax," just incomplete information which was filled in and re-evaluated as new information came out. all the blogs I know of behaved very responsibly in updating their information.

    I will reserve judgement for now, but badging infidels has been a common practice in Islamic countries and given the tone of Iran's current regime, it would not be outlandish to believe they would do this. My understanding is that badges for infidels did come up in a discussion in the Iranian parliament about a new restrictive dress code law which is NOT a hoax.

    Iran still discriminates against Jews. There is one Jewish MP. Do you think he would say if it was true?


    Yehudit, the original story by Amir Taheri states:

    .....the reason for hopefulness is a law passed by the Islamic Majlis (parliament) on Monday.

    The law mandates the government to make sure that all Iranians wear "standard Islamic garments" designed to remove ethnic and class distinctions reflected in clothing, and to eliminate "the influence of the infidel" on the way Iranians, especially, the young dress. It also envisages separate dress codes for religious minorities, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians, who will have to adopt distinct colour schemes to make them identifiable in public. The new codes would enable Muslims to easily recognize non-Muslims so that they can avoid shaking hands with them by mistake, and thus becoming najis (unclean).....

    Religious minorities would have their own colour schemes. They will also have to wear special insignia, known as zonnar, to indicate their non-Islamic faiths. Jews would be marked out with a yellow strip of cloth sewn in front of their clothes while Christians will be assigned the colour red. Zoroastrians end up with Persian blue as the colour of their zonnar

    The blogger translation I quoted demonstrates convincingly, to my mind, that there is no factual basis for the above statements in the Amir Taheri story, other than that a law regarding Islamic dress has been passed. I don't know how he came to include these statements abut the supposed requirements to mark out Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians. I regard Taheri as usually a very well informed and helpful source, so I was very taken aback to see the evidence that this story was untrue. Things coming up for discussion in parliament is very different from unqualified statements that a law has been passed, with the very specific requirements about the compulsion of Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians referred to in the story.

    I also gave an instance of ongoing actual discrimination against Jews and other non Muslims in Iran.

    I think the Jewish MP may well be under some pressure in what he may or may not say. On the other hand the bloggers I have quoted are ones whose information I have come to trust, and who are neither overt nor covert supporters of the Islamist regime.


    Ok, just a question... If all Muslim Iranians were to follow such a dress code, then wouldnt religious minotorities stand out quite a bit automatically? When one of the police or volunteer busybodies harrases them for not wearing the proper dress would they not have to state "Im a Christian." or "Im a Jew"? Would they not have to prove it with some sort of ducmentation? They might as well sew a cross or a star on their sleave and save everyone the bother... oh, wait, that was what all the fuss was about in the first place, right? It seems that the "truth" of this story is nearly the same as the "false" story that was originally posted. No? Maybe forcing everyone in your country to obey a dress code is a bit much in the first place. No?


    Sean, the text of the law passed doesn't actually say anyonewill actually be forced to wear this dress. Or that only Muslims will wear the national dress. The text does suggest otherwise, albeit referring "respecting" other ethnic group symbols.

    What seems clear is that they want to stop the import of western, "non-Islamic" clothing. It seems to me to be more of a war against sexy designer clothing which young Iranians seem to be pretty keen on wearing.

    It really reminds me of the Chinese cultural revolution period when everyone was forced to wear blue Mao jackets. So I don't think the reality of the story is the same as the hoax story.

    Steve M

    I notice that Melanie's guns are still blazing.

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