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    I have no experience with Macs. However, you should try Open Office which runs on Macs as well. It is heartily recommended,free, better than Windows Office (IMO) and can save and open MS Office documents easily. It has a I have the Hebrew version that works fine (including the language tools). The rest of the Open Office programs are compatible with the standard MS equivalents and are easier to use. Did I mention it is free? It can save you a lot of trouble. Check it out here:


    I realize the above comment looks like spam but it's a recommendation from a real person :)
    Forgot to mention that you new home looks cosey. Love the terra cota tiles too.


    Lovely new table. Lovely view from window.

    Paul M

    I don't know exactly what your needs are, but for Hebrew and English writing on a Mac, especially academic writing, you ought to check into Mellel (made in Israel— For a simple luach, "Jewish Calendar" is free and tells you when all the necessary dates occur.

    The places to look for software are the Mac OS X pages at or

    OS X comes with several Hebrew fonts: Alefbet, Arial Hebrew, Corsiva Hebrew, New Peninim, Raanana, and the Mellel web site has pointers to others—the Ezra SIL fonts are reputed to be good, and are also free.

    I don't have answers to your other problems, but perhaps you can find some by searching at Whilst you are there, take a look at It's about running windows programmes on a Mac without Windows. Sounds appropriate to your desires.

    And congrats on your new digs, by the way.


    Why would you want your Mac to pretend it's a PC when Macs are so much better? Max is right, plenty of free software out there which will recognize your old MS files, and the OS platform on a Mac is much more stable than anything Windows based. Plus you have all the nice goodies such as iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, Garageband, and the like, Safari is a great browser and the email on your control panel is seamless.

    Like the window view too.

    Francis Sedgemore

    You should be able to see the Mac from the PC if you set up Windows Sharing in the former. That is, fire up the System Preferences application, click on Sharing in Internet and Network, enable Windows Sharing, choose which account/s to enable, and have the computer name of the Mac handy if you need to input it manually in the Windows network settings.

    When you get it working, there may be some residual glitches. These are due to bugs in Windows, not OS X.

    You've made a good decision to switch to a Mac. OS X is a solid and reliable operating system. Like Linux, OS X is Unix-based, but it's not as powerful as Linux. The advantage of OS X is in its user interface design and general ease of use for non-experts.

    As for your applications, OpenOffice for Mac is OK, but development for Mac lags that for Windows and Linux, and the application is rather bloated. It is also not yet a true OS X application, and doesn't use the OS X font and graphics rendering susbsytems.

    If money's a problem, go with OpenOffice, but if you can afford it, Microsoft Office for Mac is very good. I use an old version - Office X - and I find it better than the Windows version. It's certainly a lot more stable. If your daughter is a student, you can get the student edition of Office.

    Thanks for the blog link.


    If you need to do Hebrew word processing on a Mac, you should be warned that the Mac version of Microsoft Office does not support Hebrew (or Arabic, Thai, and Indic languages) properly. will support these languages (and DOZENS more) properly, but it can't make use of your Mac fonts - it comes with its own set, which tend to look a bit less polished than the Apple fonts. (I'm not sure, but I think the Apple Hebrew fonts are not installed by default - you have to load them from the DVD).

    May I suggest you try NeoOffice ( This is a version of which has been modified to be much more 'native' on the Mac. It uses Mac menus, dialogs, and fonts and feels much less of a foreigner than It is also a free download - you will need the Intel version. Although it is still a 'beta' release, I have always found it very stable and reliable.

    Your file sharing issues I may be able to help with. It sounds as if you can connect from either Mac to the Windows PC, presumably by using the 'network' icon in the Finder sidebar. To allow a Windows PC to see the Mac, you need to go to the Mac's 'System Preferences' 'Sharing' 'Services' dialog, and enable the 'Windows Sharing' entry in the list. To allow the Macs to see each other, you should enable 'Personal File Sharing' in the same list, on each machine. The sharing needs to be enabled on the computer that holds the folders you want to share: you can connect to another computer without enabling sharing.

    Max (not the same Max!)


    You wont regret getting the Mac's in fact, you would have regretted getting the Sony in comparison.

    I'm forced to use both Macs and Windows. Here's a rare picture of the Windows system starting up at full speed.


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