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    Haaretz in general, and Amira Hass in particular, lends a fake legitimacy to the Israel haters of the world. In addition to being an Israel hater, she is an appallingly bad reporter.


    I understand your point of view, but do beg to differ. The stories published by Amira Hess and Gideon Levi are some of the only information venues on events in the occupied territories available inside Israel: there is no other "embedded" reporting in main stream media. There is a PR problem when their stories are used and abused by interesants, pro-palestinian, anti-israeli and others. That, I feel, is an acceptable price for the small pip-hole to the goings-on in the occupied territories they provide for Israelis.

    Jeremy Jacobs

    Slightly off topic. What's your view about Alan Johnston?


    Is Matan saying that Hass and Levy are the only source of information for Israelis about Ramallah and Jenin? And if this fantastic claim were true, should Israelis be grateful to H&L for the lies broadcast day in day out? I keep repeating that Hass is a certified peddler of falsehood, convicted in court. As for Levy, the boy has gone native and sounds like his brain is controlled by his Palestinian wife


    in the 2nd paragraph hass eanlxips The Greek government wanted to save people ..from a traumatic and perhaps even fatal experience. The Greek foreign minister .explained that Greece wanted to prevent a humanitarian disaster in the event of a clash between the Israel Defense Forces and the protesters. then,We wanted to save you from the Israeli army, he told one of them. The Jew of the blood libel, of whom one must be wary, has been replaced by an Israeli navy commando. in this context the image i have of what the greek government claimed they wanted to save them from was the image of the soldier pumping bullets into furkan's brain. therefore the jew of the blood libel' is the stereotype of the vicious jew. i'm sure hass knows more about blood libel than i do but my understanding is that a blood libel is a lie but furkan's murder was not a lie. does the greek officer thinks one should be wary of the jew of the blood libel' which indicates he believes in the stereotype? hass's impression was the greek officer believed in the stereotype or at least that was the rationale.i don't believe in the jew of the blood libel' but i am very wary of the iof and israel's navy commandos. i don't think they are enhancing israel's image and as a result those who believe israel represents a global jewish image (i do not believe they do, they do not for me) it's bad for jews. bad like blood libels are bad for jews. but lots of israelis seem to like this image of themselves, the powerful assassins. they seem to wear it as a badge of pride. not very smart imho. it's a warrior image but warriors don't look so brave when they are killing innocents.

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