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    They voted for the boycott. Academic Freedom has been repealed for the universities in the UK, and antisemitism (via the union) is now the effective policy on university campuses.

    To deal with a UK university is to officially endorse the discrimination of Jews.


    Bill, you're actually overstating the case. This lecturers' union does not control university campuses either officially or unofficially. It in fact has little or no power over actual university policies nor does it have the powers to enforce any action even on its own members.

    Academic freedom remains and will remain strong in the UK (as opposed to in the UCU), and neither is anti-semitism in any way any university or department's policy, covertly or openly.

    This union does not speak for UK universities, any more than the US Teamsters' Union speaks for General Motors.


    I recognize that it is up to the union members (not the representatives who voted this time). BUT. If the UCU larger membership is opposed to the boycott as we are told, then why are their reps voting for these measures when they know they are going to get dinged? Does the membership care about what their reps do? Plus, I am not thrilled at Hirsh's comments that they the UCU will be funding a tour of universities slanted to get people to vote FOR the boycott. Is that supposed to be viewpoint neutrality for a union that has already made up its mind in voting for Hunt? If that is so, then the tail is wagging the tail. Big time.

    As for the teamsters speaking for GM. Of course they don't, but they have significant leverage over labor and production. Same is true for UCU. For example, we have a tiny percentage of people who are "members" in our academic union here (US), but the union tells us how much we are to be paied (even those who precluded from union membership) and other levels of micromanagement, and otherwise have a catbird seat on academic policy.

    I'd like to believe you, but as the news of this solidifies (the "roadshow" as David Hirsch called it), the deck is being stacked. And it takes one UCU member with a power kick to make things miserable for contrarians.

    Abe Bird

    As an Israeli I look at these British' events (UCU boycott and Pamela Hardyment bitter hatred) from aside know that the Israeli academy will continue to flourish and contribute to all, even to those in Britain that will not cooperate with their management's inferior decision.
    I'm sure that the IDF will continue to protect me, my family, my friends and all the Israelis, Arabs as Jews alike, against the non-stop deadly aggressions of the Palestinian Arabs, no matter what this British doctor or that British professor might think of this. Our lives are much more precious that those of whom want to harm us (British UCU) or kill us (The Arab Palestinians/Iranians and so). I'm very sorry to disappoint some Anti Semites' hate mongers but we prefer pity you as we are alive then you to pity us as we dead.
    Ain't it enough yet?

    Abe Bird


    I think that most Britons (and not just academics) are not particularly anti Israel - they just don't care enough to take exception to Sue Blackwell and her ilk. And there are many for whom marching, boycotting etc is a 'feel-good about yourself' excercise. Abe is spot on: Israel has nothing to apologise for

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