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    John Gentle

    Enjoyed reading this. I'd love to send a few "signals" through the ranks of the BBC, especially those responsible for its Middle East "coverage" of the last 50 years.


    Reading the latest on the Gaza mess in the Daily Telegraph this morning, I was amused to see a Palestinian quoted as saying, "The Jews never did to us what our own people are now doing to us."

    Well, it would be amusing - if people weren't dying...


    As the real nature of this 'renegotiation of security' takes place in Gaza, three cheers for Julian Manyon of ITN who's the only elephant-in-the-room spotter in UK TV so far. At the end of his report yesterday lunch time he finished by observing that the current troubles in Gaza simply couldn't be blamed on the Israelis.

    The Palestinians have destroyed hopes for a Palestinian state all by themselves.

    Jeremy Jacobs

    "The Palestinians have destroyed hopes for a Palestinian state all by themselves".

    The ultimate in shooting yourself in the foot!


    "The Palestinians have destroyed hopes for a Palestinian state all by themselves".

    This cliche is getting old; every few months Palestinians do something to 'destroy hopes' and within a week or two everybody sings with one voice again: 'Long live the future Palestinian state'. Palestinians don't measure success in how close they are to independence but in how unpleasant they make life for Israelis. A Hamastan on Israeli border is the Jewish state's nightmare come true.

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