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    Thanks for this, Judy.

    If proof were needed of the lies that the BBC spins where Israel is concerned, this is it.

    I am ashamed to be part of its financing.

    Jeremy Jacobs

    Isn't it about time British Jews stopped paying their licence fee?


    I love the latest on Apparently ALL Palestinian factions are united on Johnston. That's the headline. I couldn't believe my eyes either:

    Palestinians 'united' on Johnston
    A senior Palestinian figure has said all factions are united in condemning the abduction of the BBC's Gaza correspondent, Alan Johnston.

    This isn't even spin; it's an outright lie. If all Palestinian factions were united on Johnston, Johnston would be having a cup of tea in the UK.




    Oh sorry--and the link:


    I don't see a great deal of difference between what Johnston was saying on the video and what he regularly reported from Gaza.

    I'm sorry for him and his family and sincerely hope he gets home safe: but there's a saying - "When you sup with the devil take a long spoon".

    Hip Gnosis

    Nothing to be found on the BBC News website regarding the following items, either:
    (Watch the whole thing; wait until you get to this bit:
    Boys: Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah. Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah. Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah. Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah. Who is your role model? The Prophet. Who is your role model? The Prophet. What is your path? Jihad. What is your path? Jihad. What is your most lofty aspiration? Death for the sake of Allah. What is your most lofty aspiration? Death for the sake of Allah.)


    Like Rob, I thought that teh BBC can safely out-source their news service to 'the army of Islam'; Mr Johnston's new 'editors' in Gaza are at least as good as the BBC at anti-Israeli propaganda

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