George Osborne, it has been revealed, received thousands of pounds for making a speech at a private business function. New Labour doesn't dare to condemn "Tory sleaze" because on its watch sordid deals and favours have become the norm. Under the Blairs, corruption got worse than under the bad old Tories and Brown has not yet shown he understands how much cleaning up there is for him to get on with.
"Poor me" Cherie still can't see why we despise her grossly excessive lifestyle and her holidays with Berlusconi. Wannabe deputy leader Peter Hain is being investigated for his fundraising methods. For some inexplicable reason, super-generous donations from friends of Israel remain unexplained. And now MPs, mainly Labour, including Jacqui Smith, and Andy Burnham and Peter Kilfolye (so-called man of the people) voted to keep all the their unfair perks, including the staggering John Lewis list. Yes, it's a distressing affliction, which now additionally seems to be manifesting itself in an outbreak of tautology as a secondary symptom. Meanwhile, if you've the stomach for it, you can watch her on the clip browbeating a surprisingly graciously behaved young woman, with a fraction of Alibhai-Brown's education, privilege and wealth, in the name of anti-racism.
somehow I doubt Ms A-B would be nearly as concerned about "super generous" funding from persons subscribing to other "Abrahamic faiths", which I am sure happen with some frequency, if with considerably less media attention.
Posted by: waterdragon52 | July 10, 2008 at 05:40 PM