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    I agree with all your decent sentiments, Judy. But there are many out there for whom decency is a secondary consideration, where hubris trumps humility and propaganda trumps enquiry.

    Why does the BBC ...

    The answer to that is that it has become infested with metropolitan Lefties, who have an agenda. As Andrew Marr once remarked: "The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias." That's diversity, thanks to the "hideously white" Greg Dyke and his ilk.

    The bigger question is why do Lefties give a free pass to some of the most monstrous people and political movements since the Jacobins? Why do they drop their moral compass and place ideology above compassion? The answer could be the facile one that they want to change the world, and politics gives greater leverage than charity.

    Perhaps you remember the Paris riots of 1968? Weeks of smashings and torchings by mindless (well, followers of Foucault is pretty synonymous) anarchists, followed by a peaceful demonstration of some 650,000 ordinary Parisians against the rioters and everything they stood for. I take succour from the belief that the majority remain decent, though mostly silent.


    Just dropping a line to let you know I'm back blogging! Love //Imaan

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