I got to Trafalgar Square much too late to see more than a fag end of the rally of many thousands of pro-Israel supporters this lunchtime.
By that time, the chant I kept hearing repeated on a megaphone from the small group of opposing protesters was:
Judaism yes, zionism, no! The state of Israel has to go!
So much for their supposed aim of supporting the Palestinians and protesting the Israeli action in Gaza.
And as for "Judaism, yes", hardly convincing when they were flourishing posters of Hassan Nasrallah, famous for saying things like:
"the state of the grandsons of apes and pigs – the Zionist Jews" and "the murderers of the prophets."
And then there were the posters supporting Hamas, famous for broadcasting statements like those aimed at indoctrinating children, shown in the clip, plus this one from their own "Culture Minister" on their own Al-Aqsa TV:
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the faith that every Jew harbors in his heart"
Here's a clip of the pro-Israel rally, with Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor commenting on the choices made by Hamas: